Redo over multiple weeks

February 10th, 2011

I’ve always wanted some sort of calendar view of load where I could see patterns across the same days of the week and same hours of the day and then be able to pick different periods and diff them:

The first step of such a display would be selecting the data in such a way to represent the graphic. A graphic should be harder to do than a similar, though less powerful, ascii representation.

So here is a quick sketch of looking at redo generation over time. Right now I have to monitor how well redo can be archived which depends on how it fast it is generated. (typically what I’m more interested in is the general performance which is what the above graphic addressed)

The output below shows the redo generated per hour on average (picking the maximum hour in the bucket which is 4 hours long below) and the maximum generation at the minute level.  I may or may not be able to archive redo at the up to the minute but I do want to make sure I can keep up with each hour.

DAY    HOUR  MAX(MB)    w1     w2      w3       w4       w5
SAT     0       9               5       4       4       3
SAT     4       12              4       5       4       4
SAT     8       1               0       0       0       0
SAT     12      0               0       0       0       0
SAT     16      1               0       0       0       0
SAT     20      4               1       0       0       1
SUN     0       10              3       3       1       3
SUN     4       13              6       5       3       5
SUN     8       7               6       6       0       6
SUN     12      7               0       3       0       4
SUN     16      1               0       0       1       0
SUN     20      8               3       2       0       3
MON     0       8               3       2       3       2
MON     4       7               2       3       2       1
MON     8       5               1       0       2       0
MON     12      1               0       0       1       0
MON     16      1               0       0       0       0
MON     20      7               2       2       0       2
TUE     0       14              6       5       7       4
TUE     4       7               1       1       1       2
TUE     8       3               0       0       0       0
TUE     12      1       1       0       0       0       0
TUE     16      1       1       0       0       0       0
TUE     20      3       1       1       1       1       1
WED     0       8       3       2       3       2       2
WED     4       7       2       1       3       2       2
WED     8       8       1       0       0       2       3
WED     12      7       1       0       0       1       1
WED     16      1       1       0       0       0       1
WED     20      4       1       1       1       1       1
THU     0       15      7       8       6       6       6
THU     4       8       2       1       1       1       1
THU     8       1       1       0       0       0       1
THU     12      16      1       11      0       0       1
THU     16      1       1       0       0       0       1
THU     20      4       1       1       1       1       1
FRI     0       11      2       2       2       2       2
FRI     4       8       3       1       1       1       1
FRI     8       4       1       0       0       0       0
set heading off
set feedback off
set pagesize 0

with pivot_data as (
          WW pivot_col
        , DY
        , D
        , HH
        , max(maxval) mv
        , max(average) av
      ( select distinct
               4*trunc(to_char(begin_time,'HH24')/4)     HH,
               to_char(begin_time,'DY')       DY,
               mod(to_char(begin_time,'D'),7)  D,
               mod(to_char(begin_time,'WW'),5)       WW,
               average/(1024*1024) average,
               maxval/(1024*1024) maxval,
        where  dbid=&&DBID and
               metric_name='Redo Generated Per Sec'
               and begin_time > sysdate - 31
   group by HH,D,DY,WW
select DY ||'   '||
       HH ||'   '||
       round(max(mv),0)    ||'  '||
       round(max(w1),0)  ||'    '||
       round(max(w2),0)  ||'    '||
       round(max(w3),0)  ||'    '||
       round(max(w4),0)  ||'    '||
from (
   select *
   from  pivot_data
   pivot ( avg(av)
           for pivot_col in ( 1 as w1,2 as w2,3 as w3 ,4 as w4 ,5 as w5 )
group by DY,D,HH
order by D,HH

set heading on
set feedback on
set pagesize 30

PS the above pivot is for 11g, for 10g here is the query without pivot

set pagesize 100
col DY for A4
col HH for 99
col mx for 99
col w1 for 99
col w2 for 99
col w3 for 99
col w4 for 99
col w5 for 99

with pivot_data as (
        , DY
        , D
        , HH
        , max(maxval) mv
        , max(average) av
      ( select distinct
               4*trunc(to_char(begin_time,'HH24')/4)     HH,
               to_char(begin_time,'DY')       DY,
               mod(to_char(begin_time,'D'),7)  D,
               mod(to_char(begin_time,'WW'),5)       WW,
               average/(1024*1024) average,
               maxval/(1024*1024) maxval,
               metric_name='Redo Generated Per Sec'
           and begin_time > sysdate - 31
   group by HH,D,DY,WW
select DY, HH,
      round(max( mv ),0) mx,
      round(max( decode( WW, 0 , av, null ) ),0) w1,
      round(max( decode( WW, 1 , av, null ) ),0) w2,
      round(max( decode( WW, 2 , av, null ) ),0) w3,
      round(max( decode( WW, 3 , av, null ) ),0) w4,
      round(max( decode( WW, 4 , av, null ) ),0) w5
   from  pivot_data
group by DY,D,HH
order by D,HH

Just to see the redo per hour can be done more simply as:

set pagesize 100
col stat_name format a30
col MB format 9,999.99
       btime, stat_name,
       round((end_value-beg_value)/(1024*1024),2) MB
from (
       to_char(s.BEGIN_INTERVAL_TIME,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI')  btime,
       e.value end_value,
       Lag (e.value)
              OVER( PARTITION BY e.stat_name ORDER BY s.snap_id) beg_value
   and s.begin_interval_time > sysdate -2
   and e.stat_name = 'redo size'
order by e.stat_name, begin_interval_time
where end_value-beg_value > 0
order by btime;


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  2. Mark W. Farnham
    February 27th, 2011 at 21:25 | #1

    Would the graphic be more powerful, or just more succinct to some eyes?
    I find it difficult to calculate things like least squares, confidence levels, standard deviation +1 and -1 bounds from graphics, while if you have the raw data that isn’t a problem. Or did you much something different by ascii display than raw data? Those hinky asterisk stack charts tend to be less readable than raw data.
    I would think the ideal calendar metric display chart would accept a calendar and clock granularity and have an api to chuck in the raw data points you have, which would be some datetime and a scalar and then interpolate, scale, and rate them with some rating under the various time ranges about the level of confidence. The graphic display enging, given a calendar and clock granularity should work for any arbitrary set of data points on a time line, not just redo. The calendar might include day of week orientation, but months and quarters might also be useful. In some shops handling week of fiscal month might be useful for analyzing load patterns. For example, some places use 4-4-5 patterns to get three months and 13 weeks per quarter, and to analyze them usefully you probably want to have the engine understand that the fourth week of the first two months corresponds to the fifth week of the third month. Sigh. And of course 365.25/7 is not exactly the same as 52*7, so things drift and about every 5.6 years you need an extra week. That doesn’t screw up the week of month stuff, but you get a quarter with a whole extra week, so go figure.

    Good luck,


  3. L.Ney
    March 20th, 2011 at 02:57 | #2


    You can easily put the query in perfsheet by Tanel. ;)
    and get a nice graph.

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