What web enabled graphing packages are the best and why? Here is a good list of free charts http://designtocoding.wordpress.com/2009/12/16/free-chart-scripts/ wondering what the pro's and con's are at least for Google API for example you have to be connected to the internet to access the libraries hosted at Google which is a big drawback IMO. function displaymessage() { alert("Hello World!"); } function dchart() { var chart; chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'ycontainer', defaultSeriesType: 'spline', marginRight: 10, events: { load: function() { ...
Kyle Hailey
I don't know if you are ever asked to compare to AWR periods. AWR period comparison is pretty easy if you have access to the two periods in the same AWR repository. AWR in the same repository can be compared with SELECT * FROM TABLE( dbms_workload_repository.awr_diff_report_text( [db_id ], [instance id], 120, -- start snapshot id 121, -- end snapshot id ...
Kyle Hailey
Wow, thanks to Process Monitor http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896645 I was able track down why I couldn't connect to Oracle from Excel. I had wanted to try some of the examples Charles Hooper has posted on connecting to and monitoring Oracle, for example http://hoopercharles.wordpress.com/2010/01/20/excel-scrolling-oracle-performance-charts/ I kept getting the error "Provider not found" Now what kind of trace info is there for an error like this in Excel? None AFAIK. Time to start guessing. I'm on windows 7 64 bit. I have the 64bit 11gR2 Oracle installed. Excel shows up in task manager as "EXCEL.EXE *32". My first guess was, "oh, excel must want the 32bit libraries" so I got ...
Kyle Hailey
I don't consider myself a programmer and my exposure to some of these languages is quite superficial, so please feel encouraged to jump into this discussion with your experiences, corrections and comments. What language and UI would you use to create an Oracle monitor? Why? What are the pros and cons ? I want a tool to be easy to install quick to program have interactive graphics run fast web enabled These goals are hard, if not impossible, to achieve in the same product. A product's choice of programming language will be limited if interactive graphics are involved. I think graphics are the only way to make ...
Kyle Hailey
It's amazing how time flies. I've got the above book sitting on my desk at work. It's the only book on my desk at work. Its probably my favorite computer book for it's terse clear style and simple power. I've keep it for about 20 years, and 20 years later, I'd expect any bugs in basic code examples to be worked out. For the most part on most platforms this is true, but not Solaris. AWK is an awesome utility always available on UNIX and makes a perfect tool to for scripts that will run anywhere with no need ...
Kyle Hailey
You know it's a good company when the support desk looks like this: Delphix, the company I've been at for the past month, is hiring! We are interested primarily in Oracle expertise centered around backup and recovery, rman, dataguard and ASM. Big plus for solid knowledge of NFS, storage systems, zfs and networking with an eye for performance tuning.We are looking for sales consultants, support, engineers and QA.I'm super happy with this new position - small company where everyone makes an impact and the people are super smart, motivated and experienced.We've got an amazing team from the the creators ...
Kyle Hailey
Been spending time lately testing out and trying to tune NFS mounts.For testing IO, I've been usingddiozonebonnie++orionThis first option, dd, is fine for file creation tests and/or sequential reads but less flexible for random reads or random writesTo test random reads I thought I'd use iozone but don't see a solely random read test.Then I thought I'd use the Oracle supplied tool, orion, to do random read test on an NFS mounted file system, but this doesn't work, at least on AIX 6.1, with my mount settings. First orion test gave this error$ orion -run simple -testname orionORION: ORacle ...
Kyle Hailey
Check this out ( from http://tech.e2sn.com/virtual-conferences )The E2SN Virtual Conferences are webinar-style online training sessions, but just like at conferences, you can listen to multiple top speakers within a single event.The standard conference consists of 4 x 1.5 hour presentations with 30-minute Q & A sessions after each presentation. The four sessions are spread across two days, so the conference takes only four hours per day. So, in addition to not even having to leave your desk for learning from world's top experts, you can still get your important work done in the office, too!The first scheduled virtual conference is ...
Kyle Hailey
Anyone try to use OEM from a windows 64bit machine? Looks like there is no SVG install for windows 64bit so the charts on the performance pages are all just gifs. Seems surprising but alas with Oracle and their dealings with UI, its not that surprising.I wanted Oracle to use flash in OEM 10g but that got nixed. I was glad to have SVG in OEM 10g rather than nothing, but SVG has been EOLed and so unless Oracle does something then there will be more and more cases where OEMs SVG components don't work in browsers as OS's ...
Kyle Hailey
It's been years since I've changed any ASHMON code though I have used ASHMON whenever I didn't have access to DB Optimizer or when I wanted to specifically access v$active_session_history graphically. Yesterday, though, I just got a new laptop that is 64bit and I couldn't get ASHMON to run! So after only sleeping 4 hours last night I finally got it to run. (a lot of time was just getting Oracle to install which is a separate story - suffice it to say the 11gR2 full database download installed where as the 11gR2 client gave an error ...
Kyle Hailey
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