I’m starting this post as an ongoing discussion of research.
Today I received a AWR export and wanted to get a feel for what the load is on the system. I imported the AWR report and then wanted a quick overview, so I put together a script to give the AAS over time divided up as CPU, WAIT and IO. Current drawbacks is that the script uses SYSDATE which might not be appropriate if the AWR data is from many days ago.
The query seems a bit slow on a month of data, so will be looking at optimizations in the future.
+ = load demanding CPU
o = load waiting for IO to complete
– = load waiting for something like a lock, latch or other resource
the “8” in the middle of the line is the # of CPU cores. A system that was a 100% maxed out and not waiting for IO or other resources would have pluses (“+”) right up to the number of cores, which is 8 in this case. If the pluses went over the number of cores then there would be contention on CPU resources.
Here is the query for a “live” system:
Def v_days=10 -- amount of days to cover in report Def v_secs=3600 -- size of bucket in seconds, ie one row represents avg over this interval Def v_bars=5 -- size of one AAS in characters wide Def v_graph=80 -- width of graph in characters undef DBID col graph format a&v_graph col aas format 999.9 col total format 99999 col npts format 99999 col wait for 999.9 col cpu for 999.9 col io for 999.9 select to_char(to_date(tday||' '||tmod*&v_secs,'YYMMDD SSSSS'),'DD-MON HH24:MI:SS') tm, --samples npts, round(total/&v_secs,1) aas, round(cpu/&v_secs,1) cpu, round(io/&v_secs,1) io, round(waits/&v_secs,1) wait, -- substr, ie trunc, the whole graph to make sure it doesn't overflow substr( -- substr, ie trunc, the graph below the # of CPU cores line -- draw the whole graph and trunc at # of cores line substr( rpad('+',round((cpu*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'+') || rpad('o',round((io*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'o') || rpad('-',round((waits*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'-') || rpad(' ',p.value * &v_bars,' '),0,(p.value * &v_bars)) || p.value || -- draw the whole graph, then cut off the amount we drew before the # of cores substr( rpad('+',round((cpu*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'+') || rpad('o',round((io*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'o') || rpad('-',round((waits*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'-') || rpad(' ',p.value * &v_bars,' '),(p.value * &v_bars),( &v_graph-&v_bars*p.value) ) ,0,&v_graph) graph from ( select to_char(sample_time,'YYMMDD') tday , trunc(to_char(sample_time,'SSSSS')/&v_secs) tmod , (max(sample_id) - min(sample_id) + 1 ) samples , sum(decode(session_state,'ON CPU',10,decode(session_type,'BACKGROUND',0,10))) total , sum(decode(session_state,'ON CPU' ,10,0)) cpu , sum(decode(session_state,'WAITING',10,0)) - sum(decode(session_type,'BACKGROUND',decode(session_state,'WAITING',10,0))) - sum(decode(event,'db file sequential read',10, 'db file scattered read',10, 'db file parallel read',10, 'direct path read',10, 'direct path read temp',10, 'direct path write',10, 'direct path write temp',10, 0)) waits , sum(decode(session_type,'FOREGROUND', decode(event,'db file sequential read',10, 'db file scattered read',10, 'db file parallel read',10, 'direct path read',10, 'direct path read temp',10, 'direct path write',10, 'direct path write temp',10, 0))) IO from dba_hist_active_sess_history where sample_time > sysdate - &v_days and sample_time < (select min(sample_time) from v$active_session_history) group by trunc(to_char(sample_time,'SSSSS')/&v_secs), to_char(sample_time,'YYMMDD') union all select to_char(sample_time,'YYMMDD') tday , trunc(to_char(sample_time,'SSSSS')/&v_secs) tmod , (max(sample_id) - min(sample_id) + 1 ) samples , sum(decode(session_state,'ON CPU',1,decode(session_type,'BACKGROUND',0,1))) total , sum(decode(session_state,'ON CPU' ,1,0)) cpu , sum(decode(session_state,'WAITING',1,0)) - sum(decode(session_type,'BACKGROUND',decode(session_state,'WAITING',1,0))) - sum(decode(event,'db file sequential read',1, 'db file scattered read',1, 'db file parallel read',1, 'direct path read',1, 'direct path read temp',1, 'direct path write',1, 'direct path write temp',1, 0)) waits , sum(decode(session_type,'FOREGROUND', decode(event,'db file sequential read',1, 'db file scattered read',1, 'db file parallel read',1, 'direct path read',1, 'direct path read temp',1, 'direct path write',1, 'direct path write temp',1, 0))) IO from v$active_session_history where sample_time > sysdate - &v_days group by trunc(to_char(sample_time,'SSSSS')/&v_secs), to_char(sample_time,'YYMMDD') ) ash, ( select value from dba_hist_parameter where parameter_name='cpu_count' and rownum < 2 ) p order by to_date(tday||' '||tmod*&v_secs,'YYMMDD SSSSS') /
and output looks like
TM AAS CPU IO WAIT GRAPH ---------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03-FEB 04:00:00 3.6 1.8 1.8 .1 +++++++++ooooooooo 8 03-FEB 05:00:00 4.1 1.9 2.1 .1 ++++++++++oooooooooo- 8 03-FEB 06:00:00 5.1 2.8 1.9 .3 ++++++++++++++oooooooooo-- 8 03-FEB 07:00:00 5.2 2.6 2.2 .3 +++++++++++++ooooooooooo-- 8 03-FEB 08:00:00 5.9 3.0 2.6 .2 +++++++++++++++ooooooooooooo- 8 03-FEB 09:00:00 6.3 3.2 2.8 .3 ++++++++++++++++oooooooooooooo-- 8 03-FEB 10:00:00 6.3 3.0 2.9 .3 +++++++++++++++ooooooooooooooo-- 8 03-FEB 11:00:00 5.5 2.9 2.5 .2 ++++++++++++++oooooooooooo- 8 03-FEB 12:00:00 5.3 2.6 2.5 .2 +++++++++++++ooooooooooooo- 8 03-FEB 13:00:00 5.4 2.7 2.4 .3 +++++++++++++oooooooooooo- 8 03-FEB 14:00:00 5.5 2.8 2.4 .3 ++++++++++++++oooooooooooo- 8 03-FEB 15:00:00 6.1 2.8 3.1 .2 ++++++++++++++ooooooooooooooo- 8 03-FEB 16:00:00 6.3 3.1 3.0 .2 +++++++++++++++ooooooooooooooo- 8 03-FEB 17:00:00 5.6 2.7 2.6 .2 ++++++++++++++ooooooooooooo- 8 03-FEB 18:00:00 3.4 2.1 1.1 .1 +++++++++++oooooo- 8 03-FEB 19:00:00 4.7 2.5 1.6 .6 +++++++++++++oooooooo--- 8 03-FEB 20:00:00 4.7 2.8 1.8 .1 ++++++++++++++ooooooooo 8 03-FEB 21:00:00 7.3 3.6 3.3 .4 ++++++++++++++++++ooooooooooooooooo-- 8 03-FEB 22:00:00 19.2 6.4 11.5 1.2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++oooooooo8ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 03-FEB 23:00:00 12.7 5.2 7.1 .5 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++oooooooooooooo8oooooooooooooooooooooo-- 04-FEB 00:00:00 11.1 4.5 6.3 .3 ++++++++++++++++++++++oooooooooooooooooo8oooooooooooooo-- 04-FEB 01:00:00 12.8 4.3 5.9 2.6 ++++++++++++++++++++++oooooooooooooooooo8oooooooooooo------------- 04-FEB 02:00:00 4.2 2.5 1.6 .1 ++++++++++++oooooooo 8 04-FEB 03:00:00 2.1 1.3 .7 .1 +++++++ooo 8 04-FEB 04:00:00 2.1 1.3 .9 .0 ++++++oooo 8 04-FEB 05:00:00 2.3 1.2 1.0 .1 ++++++ooooo 8 04-FEB 06:00:00 3.7 2.5 1.0 .2 +++++++++++++ooooo- 8
Here is the query for AWR repository where I’m looking for a particular DBID:
Def v_days=10 -- amount of days to cover in report Def v_secs=3600 -- size of bucket in seconds, ie one row represents avg over this interval Def v_bars=5 -- size of one AAS in characters wide Def v_graph=80 -- width of graph in characters undef DBID col graph format &v_graph col aas format 999.9 col total format 99999 col npts format 99999 col wait for 999.9 col cpu for 999.9 col io for 999.9 /* dba_hist_active_sess_history */ select to_char(to_date(tday||' '||tmod*&v_secs,'YYMMDD SSSSS'),'DD-MON HH24:MI:SS') tm, --samples npts, round(total/&v_secs,1) aas, round(cpu/&v_secs,1) cpu, round(io/&v_secs,1) io, round(waits/&v_secs,1) wait, -- substr, ie trunc, the whole graph to make sure it doesn't overflow substr( -- substr, ie trunc, the graph below the # of CPU cores line -- draw the whole graph and trunc at # of cores line substr( rpad('+',round((cpu*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'+') || rpad('o',round((io*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'o') || rpad('-',round((waits*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'-') || rpad(' ',p.value * &v_bars,' '),0,(p.value * &v_bars)) || p.value || -- draw the whole graph, then cut off the amount we drew before the # of cores substr( rpad('+',round((cpu*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'+') || rpad('o',round((io*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'o') || rpad('-',round((waits*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'-') || rpad(' ',p.value * &v_bars,' '),(p.value * &v_bars),( &v_graph-&v_bars*p.value) ) ,0,&v_graph) graph from ( select to_char(sample_time,'YYMMDD') tday , trunc(to_char(sample_time,'SSSSS')/&v_secs) tmod , (max(sample_id) - min(sample_id) + 1 ) samples , sum(decode(session_state,'ON CPU',10,decode(session_type,'BACKGROUND',0,10))) total , sum(decode(session_state,'ON CPU' ,10,0)) cpu , sum(decode(session_state,'WAITING',10,0)) - sum(decode(session_type,'BACKGROUND',decode(session_state,'WAITING',10,0))) - sum(decode(event,'db file sequential read',10, 'db file scattered read',10, 'db file parallel read',10, 'direct path read',10, 'direct path read temp',10, 'direct path write',10, 'direct path write temp',10, 0)) waits , sum(decode(session_type,'FOREGROUND', decode(event,'db file sequential read',10, 'db file scattered read',10, 'db file parallel read',10, 'direct path read',10, 'direct path read temp',10, 'direct path write',10, 'direct path write temp',10, 0))) IO /* for waits I want to subtract out the BACKGROUND but for CPU I want to count everyone */ from dba_hist_active_sess_history where sample_time > sysdate - &v_days and dbid=&DBID and sample_time < (select min(sample_time) from v$active_session_history) group by trunc(to_char(sample_time,'SSSSS')/&v_secs), to_char(sample_time,'YYMMDD') ) ash, ( select value from dba_hist_parameter where DBID=&DBID and parameter_name='cpu_count' and rownum < 2 ) p order by to_date(tday||' '||tmod*&v_secs,'YYMMDD SSSSS') /
Update: here is a sql statement to give the wait/io/cpu graph along with the top two waits: (note, the cpu core count is hard coded at 4 since I didn’t join to dba_hist for the cpu_count parameters. Could be changed in the future version)
DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY with particular DBID, give top wait event names
Def v_secs=3600 -- bucket size Def v_days=1 -- total time analyze Def v_bars=5 -- size of one AAS in characters col aveact format 999.99 col graph format a80 col fpct format 9.99 col spct format 9.99 col tpct format 9.99 col aas1 format 9.99 col aas2 format 9.99 col pct1 format 999 col pct2 format 999 col first format a15 col second format a15 Def p_value=4 --select to_char(start_time,'DD HH:MI:SS'), select to_char(start_time,'DD HH:MI'), --samples, --total, --waits, --cpu, (total/&v_secs) aas, --round(fpct * (total/&v_secs),2) aas1, fpct*100 pct1, decode(fpct,null,null,first) first, --round(spct * (total/&v_secs),2) aas2, spct*100 pct2, decode(spct,null,null,second) second, -- substr, ie trunc, the whole graph to make sure it doesn't overflow substr( -- substr, ie trunc, the graph below the # of CPU cores line -- draw the whole graph and trunc at # of cores line substr( rpad('+',round((cpu*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'+') || rpad('o',round((io*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'o') || rpad('-',round((waits*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'-') || rpad(' ',&p_value * &v_bars,' '),0,(&p_value * &v_bars)) || &p_value || -- draw the whole graph, then cut off the amount we drew before the # of cores substr( rpad('+',round((cpu*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'+') || rpad('o',round((io*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'o') || rpad('-',round((waits*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'-') || rpad(' ',&p_value * &v_bars,' '),(&p_value * &v_bars),( &v_graph-&v_bars*&p_value) ) ,0,&v_graph) graph -- spct, -- decode(spct,null,null,second) second, -- tpct, -- decode(tpct,null,null,third) third from ( select start_time , max(samples) samples , sum(top.total) total , round(max(decode(top.seq,1,pct,null)),2) fpct , substr(max(decode(top.seq,1,decode(top.event,'ON CPU','CPU',event),null)),0,15) first , round(max(decode(top.seq,2,pct,null)),2) spct , substr(max(decode(top.seq,2,decode(top.event,'ON CPU','CPU',event),null)),0,15) second , round(max(decode(top.seq,3,pct,null)),2) tpct , substr(max(decode(top.seq,3,decode(top.event,'ON CPU','CPU',event),null)),0,10) third , sum(waits) waits , sum(io) io , sum(cpu) cpu from ( select to_date(tday||' '||tmod*&v_secs,'YYMMDD SSSSS') start_time , event , total , row_number() over ( partition by id order by total desc ) seq , ratio_to_report( sum(total)) over ( partition by id ) pct , max(samples) samples , sum(decode(event,'ON CPU',total,0)) cpu , sum(decode(event,'ON CPU',0, 'db file sequential read',0, 'db file scattered read',0, 'db file parallel read',0, 'direct path read',0, 'direct path read temp',0, 'direct path write',0, 'direct path write temp',0, total)) waits , sum(decode(event,'db file sequential read',total, 'db file scattered read',total, 'db file parallel read',total, 'direct path read',total, 'direct path read temp',total, 'direct path write',total, 'direct path write temp',total, 0)) io from ( select to_char(sample_time,'YYMMDD') tday , trunc(to_char(sample_time,'SSSSS')/&v_secs) tmod , to_char(sample_time,'YYMMDD')||trunc(to_char(sample_time,'SSSSS')/&v_secs) id , decode(ash.session_state,'ON CPU','ON CPU',ash.event) event , sum(decode(session_state,'ON CPU',10,decode(session_type,'BACKGROUND',0,10))) total , (max(sample_id)-min(sample_id)+1) samples from dba_hist_active_sess_history ash where -- sample_time > sysdate - &v_days -- and sample_time < ( select min(sample_time) from v$active_session_history) dbid=&DBID group by trunc(to_char(sample_time,'SSSSS')/&v_secs) , to_char(sample_time,'YYMMDD') , decode(ash.session_state,'ON CPU','ON CPU',ash.event) ) chunks group by id, tday, tmod, event, total ) top group by start_time ) aveact order by start_time /
The output looks like
TO_CHAR( AAS PCT1 FIRST PCT2 SECOND GRAPH -------- ------ ---- --------------- ---- --------------- ------------------------------------- 16 05:00 .0 74 CPU 10 log file sync + 4 16 06:00 1.0 67 CPU 11 db file scatter +++++o- 4 16 07:00 1.0 77 CPU 13 db file scatter +++++o 4 16 08:00 1.0 82 CPU 13 db file scatter +++++o 4 16 09:00 1.0 84 CPU 13 db file scatter +++++o 4 16 10:00 1.0 73 CPU 12 db file scatter +++++o- 4 16 11:00 1.0 85 CPU 12 db file scatter ++++++o 4 17 12:00 1.0 87 CPU 11 db file scatter +++++o 4 17 01:00 1.0 81 CPU 16 db file scatter +++++o 4 17 02:00 4.0 94 CPU 5 db file scatter +++++++++++++++++++o4o 17 03:00 3.0 91 CPU 6 db file scatter +++++++++++++++o 4 17 04:00 1.0 79 CPU 16 db file scatter +++++o 4 17 05:00 1.0 83 CPU 15 db file scatter +++++o 4 17 06:00 2.0 83 CPU 13 db file scatter +++++++o 4 17 07:00 2.0 85 CPU 12 db file scatter ++++++o 4 17 08:00 .0 57 CPU 14 db file scatter 4
Hi Kyle, your blog is great.
I have a doubt, in the first SQL
“sum(decode(session_state,’ON CPU’ ,10,0))”
Should not be “sum(decode(session_state,’ON CPU’ ,1,0))” ?
If I am wrong, why did you use 10?
@João DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY has 1 in 10 samples, so every sample found is equivalent to 10 samples in v$active_session_history
Kyle, I (think) know why I found strangers results…
I put these values: v_days=1 and v_secs=1
Seems that the query is returning some samples from both sources.
If I change v_secs with any value greater than 1 then results are correct.
Thanks again.
Kyle, I needed to put zero as DECODE default value:
…’direct path write temp’,10, 0))) IO…
…’direct path write temp’,10, 0),0)) IO…
My result changed from:
29/07/13 13:42:00 2 0,2 0,8 null
29/07/13 13:42:00 2 0,2 0,8 1