Looking at AWR repositories for performance issues

January 17th, 2012
First look at the load on the database (see
Def v_secs=3600 --  bucket size
Def v_days=1 --  total time analyze
Def v_bars=5 -- size of one AAS in characters
Def v_graph=80 

col aveact format 999.99
col graph format a80
col fpct format 9.99
col spct format 9.99
col tpct format 9.99
col aas format 9.99
col pct1 format 999
col pct2 format 999
col first format  a15
col second format  a15

Def p_value=4

select to_char(start_time,'DD HH24:MI'),
       (total/&v_secs) aas,
       --round(fpct * (total/&v_secs),2) aas1,
       fpct*100  pct1,
       decode(fpct,null,null,first) first,
       --round(spct * (total/&v_secs),2) aas2,
       spct*100 pct2,
       decode(spct,null,null,second) second,
    -- substr, ie trunc, the whole graph to make sure it doesn't overflow
       -- substr, ie trunc, the graph below the # of CPU cores line
           -- draw the whole graph and trunc at # of cores line
         rpad('+',round((cpu*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'+') ||
             rpad('o',round((io*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'o')  ||
             rpad('-',round((waits*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'-')  ||
             rpad(' ',&p_value * &v_bars,' '),0,(&p_value * &v_bars)) ||
        &p_value  ||
       -- draw the whole graph, then cut off the amount we drew before the # of cores
         rpad('+',round((cpu*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'+') ||
             rpad('o',round((io*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'o')  ||
             rpad('-',round((waits*&v_bars)/&v_secs),'-')  ||
             rpad(' ',&p_value * &v_bars,' '),(&p_value * &v_bars),( &v_graph-&v_bars*&p_value) )
     --  spct,
     --  decode(spct,null,null,second) second,
     --  tpct,
     --  decode(tpct,null,null,third) third
from (
select start_time
     , max(samples) samples
     , sum(top.total) total
     , round(max(decode(top.seq,1,pct,null)),2) fpct
     , substr(max(decode(top.seq,1,decode(top.event,'ON CPU','CPU',event),null)),0,15) first
     , round(max(decode(top.seq,2,pct,null)),2) spct
     , substr(max(decode(top.seq,2,decode(top.event,'ON CPU','CPU',event),null)),0,15) second
     , round(max(decode(top.seq,3,pct,null)),2) tpct
     , substr(max(decode(top.seq,3,decode(top.event,'ON CPU','CPU',event),null)),0,10) third
     , sum(waits) waits
     , sum(io) io
     , sum(cpu) cpu
from (
       to_date(tday||' '||tmod*&v_secs,'YYMMDD SSSSS') start_time
     , event
     , total
     , row_number() over ( partition by id order by total desc ) seq
     , ratio_to_report( sum(total)) over ( partition by id ) pct
     , max(samples) samples
     , sum(decode(event,'ON CPU',total,0))    cpu
     , sum(decode(event,'ON CPU',0,
                        'db file sequential read',0,
                        'db file scattered read',0,
                        'db file parallel read',0,
                        'direct path read',0,
                        'direct path read temp',0,
                        'direct path write',0,
                        'direct path write temp',0, total)) waits
     , sum(decode(event,'db file sequential read',total,
                                  'db file scattered read',total,
                                  'db file parallel read',total,
                                  'direct path read',total,
                                  'direct path read temp',total,
                                  'direct path write',total,
                                  'direct path write temp',total, 0)) io
  from (
         to_char(sample_time,'YYMMDD')                      tday
       , trunc(to_char(sample_time,'SSSSS')/&v_secs)          tmod
       , to_char(sample_time,'YYMMDD')||trunc(to_char(sample_time,'SSSSS')/&v_secs) id
       , decode(ash.session_state,'ON CPU','ON CPU',ash.event)     event
       , sum(decode(session_state,'ON CPU',10,decode(session_type,'BACKGROUND',0,10))) total
       , (max(sample_id)-min(sample_id)+1)                    samples
        dba_hist_active_sess_history ash
        --       sample_time > sysdate - &v_days
        -- and sample_time < ( select min(sample_time) from v$active_session_history)
     group by  trunc(to_char(sample_time,'SSSSS')/&v_secs)
            ,  to_char(sample_time,'YYMMDD')
            ,  decode(ash.session_state,'ON CPU','ON CPU',ash.event)
  )  chunks
  group by id, tday, tmod, event, total
) top
group by start_time
) aveact
order by start_time

The output of the above query should look like

TO_CHAR(   AAS PCT1 FIRST           PCT2 SECOND          GRAPH
-------- ----- ---- --------------- ---- --------------- -------------------------------------------
16 00:00  7.02   52 db file sequent   27 CPU             ++++++++++oooooooooo4ooooooooooooooo--
16 01:00  3.80   57 CPU               36 db file sequent +++++++++++oooooooo 4
16 02:00  5.51   38 db file sequent   21 CPU             ++++++oooooooooooo--4---------
16 03:00  2.89   69 db file sequent   20 CPU             +++ooooooooooo      4
16 04:00   .34   45 db file sequent   28 CPU             o                   4
16 05:00   .78   58 db file sequent   24 CPU             +ooo                4
16 06:00   .59   41 db file sequent   39 CPU             +oo                 4
16 07:00   .19   57 CPU               21 db file sequent +                   4
16 08:00   .18   57 CPU               28 db file scatter +                   4
16 09:00   .50   69 db file sequent   24 CPU             +oo                 4
16 10:00  1.79   79 db file sequent   13 CPU             +ooooooo            4
16 11:00  2.51   76 db file sequent   12 CPU             +ooooooooooo        4

The “graph” on the right shows the load over time each line is an hour by default.

The “+” represent CPU, “o” represent I/O and “-” represent a wait.
The columns “FIRST” and “SECOND” represent the top two things happening on the database.

In the above data the main activity is time spent waiting for I/O. The next question is “what does I/O latency look like?” In this particular case, the wait is specifically on “db file sequential read”, so the next query looks at latency for “db file sequential read”

set pagesize 100
col event_name format a30
col avg_ms format 99999.99
col ct format 999,999,999
       btime, event_name,
       (time_ms_end-time_ms_beg)/nullif(count_end-count_beg,0) avg_ms,
       (count_end-count_beg) ct
from (
       to_char(s.BEGIN_INTERVAL_TIME,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI')  btime,
       total_waits count_end,
       time_waited_micro/1000 time_ms_end,
       Lag (e.time_waited_micro/1000)
              OVER( PARTITION BY e.event_name ORDER BY s.snap_id) time_ms_beg,
       Lag (e.total_waits)
              OVER( PARTITION BY e.event_name ORDER BY s.snap_id) count_beg
   --and e.wait_class in ( 'User I/O', 'System I/O')
   -- and e.event_name in (  'db file sequential read',
   --                      'db file scattered read',
   --                      'db file parallel read',
   --                      'direct path read',
   --                      'direct path read temp',
   --                      'direct path write',
   --                     'direct path write temp')
   and e.event_name in (  'db file sequential read')
   and e.dbid=&DBID
   and e.dbid=s.dbid
order by e.event_name, begin_interval_time
where (count_end-count_beg) > 0
order by event_name,btime

The above query has commented out all but ‘db file sequential read’ (ie single block reads) to make the output easier to read, but if there are other I/O waits then the query should be changed to get the latencies of those other types of I/O waits.
The output of the above query should look something like

BTIME           EVENT_NAME                        AVG_MS           CT
--------------- ------------------------------ --------- ------------
15-JAN-12 15:04 db file sequential read            12.66      854,744
15-JAN-12 16:00 db file sequential read             9.21    1,242,296
15-JAN-12 17:00 db file sequential read            13.47      889,314
15-JAN-12 18:00 db file sequential read             6.16    1,109,994
15-JAN-12 19:00 db file sequential read             1.86      215,607
15-JAN-12 20:00 db file sequential read             2.12      185,727
15-JAN-12 21:00 db file sequential read             1.60    1,281,880
15-JAN-12 22:00 db file sequential read             7.16      327,645
15-JAN-12 23:00 db file sequential read             7.45      778,819
16-JAN-12 00:00 db file sequential read            19.02      674,674
16-JAN-12 01:00 db file sequential read             7.38      651,391
16-JAN-12 02:01 db file sequential read             6.21    1,194,226
16-JAN-12 03:00 db file sequential read             7.33      959,630
16-JAN-12 04:00 db file sequential read             2.59      201,810
16-JAN-12 05:00 db file sequential read             4.05      419,692
16-JAN-12 06:00 db file sequential read             2.71      300,792
16-JAN-12 07:00 db file sequential read              .83      141,872
16-JAN-12 08:00 db file sequential read              .84      157,132
16-JAN-12 09:00 db file sequential read             2.70      456,984
16-JAN-12 10:00 db file sequential read             4.07    1,234,105
16-JAN-12 11:00 db file sequential read             6.19    1,089,680

The above latencies look ok, ie under 10ms which is fine for I/O from physical spindle but the customer might be use to latencies from UNIX file cache reads or form SAN cache reads.

Where is the I/O coming from?

col type for a16
col "CPU" for 999999.9
col "IO" for 999999.9
select * from (
     ash.SQL_ID , ash.SQL_PLAN_HASH_VALUE Plan_hash, aud.name type,
     sum(decode(ash.session_state,'ON CPU',1,0))     "CPU",
     sum(decode(ash.session_state,'WAITING',1,0))    -
     sum(decode(ash.session_state,'WAITING', decode(wait_class, 'User I/O',1,0),0))    "WAIT" ,
     sum(decode(ash.session_state,'WAITING', decode(wait_class, 'User I/O',1,0),0))    "IO" ,
     sum(decode(ash.session_state,'ON CPU',1,1))     "TOTAL"
from dba_hist_active_sess_history ash,
     audit_actions aud
where SQL_ID is not NULL
   and ash.dbid=&DBID
   and ash.sql_opcode=aud.action
group by sql_id, SQL_PLAN_HASH_VALUE   , aud.name
order by sum(decode(session_state,'ON CPU',1,1))   desc
) where  rownum < 20

Output looks like

SQL_ID         PLAN_HASH TYPE                   CPU       WAIT        IO      TOTAL
------------- ---------- ---------------- --------- ---------- --------- ----------
fgzp9yqqjcjvm  707845071 UPDATE                25.0         95    4081.0       4201
8u8y8mc1qxd98  131695425 SELECT                18.0         57    3754.0       3829
cfk8gy594h42s 3743737989 SELECT              2021.0         17      82.0       2120
cnx6ht8bdmf4c          0 PL/SQL EXECUTE       546.0        367     868.0       1781
gyj8wh7vx960y 1736948211 SELECT               197.0         11    1227.0       1435
b6jarjrw5d6tq 2817015872 INSERT               548.0        131     101.0        780

Look at the stats for the top SQL:

col avg_elapsed_sec for 9,999,999,999.999
col disk for 9,999,999.9
col lio for 9,999,999.9
col cpu_sec for 99,999,999.999
col io_time_sec for 9,999,999.999
col ap_time_sec for 9,999,999.999
col cc_time_sec for 9,999,999.999
 to_char(snap.begin_interval_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24') ,
 (sum(ELAPSED_TIME_DELTA)/nullif(sum(EXECUTIONS_DELTA),0))/1000000  avg_elapsed_sec,
 sum(EXECUTIONS_DELTA)  execs,
 sum(DISK_READS_DELTA)/nullif(sum(EXECUTIONS_DELTA),0)  disk,
 sum(BUFFER_GETS_DELTA)/nullif(sum(EXECUTIONS_DELTA),0) lio,
 (sum(CPU_TIME_DELTA)/nullif(sum(EXECUTIONS_DELTA),0))/1000000       cpu_sec,
 (sum(IOWAIT_DELTA)/nullif(sum(EXECUTIONS_DELTA),0))/1000000         io_time_sec,
 (sum(APWAIT_DELTA)/nullif(sum(EXECUTIONS_DELTA),0))/1000000         ap_time_sec,
 (sum(CCWAIT_DELTA)/nullif(sum(EXECUTIONS_DELTA),0))/1000000         cc_time_sec,
from dba_hist_sqlstat sql,
     dba_hist_snapshot snap
where sql.sql_id='&sql_id'
and sql.dbid=&dbid
and sql.dbid=snap.dbid
and snap.snap_id=sql.snap_id
group by to_char(snap.begin_interval_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24')
order by 1

Output looks like

TO_CHAR(SNAP.B        AVG_ELAPSED      EXECS         DISK          LIO        RWS         CPU_SEC    IO_TIME_SEC    AP_TIME_SEC    CC_TIME_SEC        DIO
-------------- ------------------ ---------- ------------ ------------ ---------- --------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ---------- ---
15-JAN-2012 23          3,012.128          1    315,363.0  2,394,156.0          0          37.624      2,889.440           .000           .000          0
16-JAN-2012 05          1,111.465          1    252,377.0  2,625,538.0          0          28.885      1,090.000           .000           .000          0

Get the SQL Text

set long 10000
select sql_text from dba_hist_sqltext
where sql_id = '&1'
and rownum < 2

Look at I/O sizes for multiblock reads. For multiblock reads, it’s good to have an idea of what the I/O sizes are. The following query gives an upper bound. NOTE the averages and even mins can be highly misleading but the max should be a good indicator.

col event for a25
select event,round(min(p3)) mn,
round(avg(p3)) av,
round(max(p3)) mx,
count(*)  cnt
from dba_hist_active_sess_history
--from v$active_session_history
where  (event like 'db file%' or event like 'direct %')
and event not like '%parallel%'
and dbid=&DBID
group by event
order by event

looks like

EVENT                             MN         AV         MX        CNT
------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
db file scattered read             2         16         16        892
db file sequential read            1          1          1        105
direct path read                   1          1          1          1
direct path write                  1          1          1          2
direct path write temp             4         29         31         17


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  2. antony
    May 6th, 2013 at 01:35 | #1

    Hi Kyle,

    In the sql statistics report,did you consider adding the times when the sql execution spaned across multiple snapshots?
    It looks like you aren’t adding elapsed_time,cpu_time,io_time delta’s when an execution time spaned more than one snapshot.


  3. May 6th, 2013 at 17:26 | #2

    @Antony: good point. I’ll have to review the v$sql_stat query above. All the rest based on ASH don’t have to deal with snapshots and speaking of which, there are some cool SQL reports that can be done on ASH alone. Have you seen this blog post:
    PS: if you make some modifications to the SQL report query, post it here in the comments and I’ll update the blog post – thanks

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