Oracle “Physical I/O” ? not always physical

July 18th, 2012

A customer called and wanted to know why the development database was so much slower than production when both databases were on the same type of machine and same type of storage.
To analyze the situation, the same query was run on both databases with

       alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 12';

and sure enough, development (SID=dev) showed average I/O almost twice as slow as production:

    db file sequential read

       db   Times Waited Elapsed (ms) Avg Ela (ms)
       ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
       dev         55528       479930            9
       prod        65275       294785            5

Now the above is physical I/O as reported by Oracle from looking at the wait event “db file sequential read” in the trace file. Based upon the above data alone, it would look like the “dev” database had an I/O subsystem problem. On the other hand not all “physical I/O” as reported by Oracle is really physical I/O. The I/O reported by Oracle could simple be I/O that is satisfied by the O/S file system cache. When Oracle issues a request for I/O, in this case a “db file sequential read” (aka a single block read request) all we know is Oracle is asking the operating system for the data. We don’t know where the operating system gets the data. The operating system might issue a request for the data from the underlying storage system or it might find the block in the operating system file cache. How can we tell the difference between a read from the underlying storage or a read from the O/S file system cache? Well, from the Oracle perspective there are no statistics that differentiate between the two, but based upon the latency for the I/O request we can make an educated guess. Oracle keeps I/O latency information in the v$event_histogram views, but unfortunately these views only go down to the granularity of 1ms. For I/O from a SAN that is cached in memory on the SAN, the latency could go down to as fast as 10s of micro-seconds. What we want to know is how much I/O is coming faster than a SAN could reasonably supply the data. An 8K data transfer over 4Gb FC takes 20us for the data transfer alone not to mention any O/S scheduling and or code path. Thus a reasonable value for I/O that is faster than a SAN would/could supply would be on the order of of 10s of mircro-seconds. For example 10us is faster than even a 8Gb FC could supply 8k. Now add on some overhead for code path, scheduling etc and 100us (ie 100 microseconds) is a pretty good cut off.

Taking the same trace files used for the above analysis and grouping the I/O requests into latency buckets gives:

   db  : 10u  50u  .1u  .2m  .5m  1ms  2ms    4ms   8ms  16ms  32m  64m  .1   .5 >.5
   dev :        1   14  908 13238 6900 9197 15603  9056   265   26   12   12
   prod:4419 2713  391  118 22189 2794 1688  2003 11969 14877 2003  105    3   3

What we see is that production gets substantial portion of it’s I/O in less than 10us, ie this data is coming from the file system cache.

In this case the query had only been run once on “dev” but had been run multiple times on prod, thus on prod, the O/S had cached some of this data in the file system cache.

Once the query was run a couple of times on “dev”, then the latency on “dev” when down to the latency on “prod”.

To avoid reading from the O/S cache all together (or for the most part), one can set


but by doing this alone, it would just increase the latency of the I/O as the O/S file system cache would no longer be used. In order to compensate for the loss of the O/S file system caching, then the buffer cache for the Oracle database should be increased in order to compensate for the loss. If the buffer cache is increased sufficiently to compensate for the lost O/S caching memory, the there will be less CPU used and less I/O and less latency due to I/O calls by Oracle. On the other hand if there are several database on the host then balancing the SGA sizing among the databases without use of O/S file system caching can be more trouble than it’s worth and using O/S file system caching might be more flexible.

How to extract a histogram of I/O latency from the Oracle trace file? Run the script

 The script is on github, so feel free to fork the code and make your own changes.

To run, just type

    ./  sid_ora_29908.trc

where “sid_ora_29908.trc” is the name of your trace file.

The output looks like:

                    Time Breakdown (seconds)
elapsed           3690
total wait        1525
cpu               1327
unaccounted        837
idle                 0

                    Summary of Activity in trace file
           event                               count total secs    avg ms
        1) ELAPSED                                         3690
        2) CPU                                             1327
        3) db file sequential read            243910        964     3.955
        4) local write wait                    34485        175     5.095
        5) db file scattered read              25147        140     5.598
        6) log buffer space                      326        118   362.508
        7) free buffer waits                     164         64   394.329
        8) write complete waits                    4         29  7394.890

Histogram of latencies  for:
                                 db file sequential read
        64u .1m  .2m   .5m    1m    2m    4m    8m   16m  33m  65m .1s .1s+
     109572 782  118   345 10652 21701 15502 43635 34636 5270 1300 258  139

Histogram of latencies by I/O size in # of blocks for:
                                 db file scattered read
                                 direct path read
                                 direct path read temp
        64u .1m  .2m   .5m    1m    2m    4m    8m   16m  33m  65m .1s .1s+
db file scattered read
  4      46   3    1     0     2     2    11     1     4    2    1   0    0
 32       0   0 3436 14534   617   342  1542   852   834  642  361 295  186


The part of interest is “Histogram of latencies for: ”
The first histogram section is for “db file sequential read”, ie single block reads.
The next histogram section is for multiblock reads. These multiblock reads are grouped by read type and for each read type the I/O is broken down by I/O size in number of blocks. Number of blocks is the first field.


Here is an example of plotting using R the average I/O latency on three databases. The gray bars are histogram buckets of the count of I/Os of this latency range. It’s clear to see that the fastest average I/O latency of “PROD” at 0.7ms has most of the I/O coming from file system cache ie under 0.100ms.


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  2. François GREGOIRE
    July 18th, 2012 at 07:51 | #1

    Nice stuff, it makes me think that I have to look into this R thing, it might save me hours of painfull discussions with my system admin…gosh I was one of them before, now I can’t suffer them any more…:)

  3. Timur Akhmadeev
    July 18th, 2012 at 10:01 | #2

    Hi Kyle

    nice article, thanks. I want to add a link to OraSRP which can produce similar histogram output. Here’s a text example (html is the default with a graph):
    db file sequential read
    value ————- Distribution ————- count
    0.000004s | 0
    0.000008s | 15
    0.000016s |@@@ 113
    0.000032s |@@@@@@@ 204
    0.000064s | 6
    0.000128s | 26
    0.000256s |@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 387
    0.000512s |@@@ 96
    0.001024s |@ 45
    0.002048s | 10
    0.004096s | 27
    0.008192s |@@@@ 132
    0.016384s |@ 54
    0.032768s | 10
    0.065536s | 5
    0.131072s | 1
    0.262144s | 0

  4. July 18th, 2012 at 14:26 | #3

    Thanks for the note on OraSRP. I hadn’t realized that gave histograms now. Here is a list of 10046 parsing tools out there:
    Cary’s Method-R tools are the best by far but of course they are pay for tools.
    OraSRP looks fantastic. I haven’t used it in ages. One thing I liked about OraSRP was trying to distinguish idle SQL*Net message from client waits from SQL*Net message from client waits that occur between fetches and are a more clean indicator of some application issue. Unfortunately OraSRP is only available on some platforms and the source isn’t available.
    I like having scripts because it’s nice to be able to modify and with scripts the should/could run anywhere.
    – Kyle

  5. July 19th, 2012 at 00:12 | #4

    Looking at OraSRP from
    it looks like the current sections are:

    Summary (dbid,node,sid,vers,#SQL[#user,#recur],#trx[#rollback,#readonly]
    Session Flat Profile (Top Event breakdown)
    Top 5 Statements per Event ( for each event list the top sql for that event)
    Session Call Graph ( graph of recursive SQL)
    Events Histograms
    SQL Statements
    Statement Cumulative Statistics
    Statement Self Statistics
    Statement Flat Profile (top events)
    Statement Plan
    Statement Binds Statistics

    Good stuff.
    Session call graph is nice as is organizing Top SQL for each top EVENT.

    The example
    shows I/O latency by I/O size which is nice.

    The event histograms and the latency by I/O size are the two main things I was addressing Some other things that are in that are still being polished are MB per second, max and min I/O throughput of any single I/O grouped by second broken out by I/O type – sequential, scattered, direct path, direct path temp.
    Also I/O rates per minute.
    Also putting together are compact table of SQL with just the SQL_ID the PLAN HASH and elapsed, cpu, wait, unaccounted for, ordered by elapsed as well as CURSOR_ID (the ID used in the trace file)

  6. David Mann
    July 24th, 2012 at 17:18 | #5

    Looks like I have another entry for my page :) I seem to get a lot of hits on my 10046 tool page so I gave it a pretty alias and will try to keep it up to date.

    I am in the middle of the same sort of investigation but unfortunately my Prod is much slower than Dev… even with the same cloned data behind them. I have traces collected and was going to make my way through the list… Thinking I will try your script and OraSRP first.

    And thanks for putting your stuff out there on GitHub. I just started shovel… errr moving some of my old code out there as well. I have some Java 10046 parsing code that I was working on that I need to tidy up and make available. Until I can get my company to spring for MethodR tools I will have to rely on my own code and the kindness of folks that release their code into the wild.

  7. July 25th, 2012 at 18:12 | #6

    Hi David,

    Thanks for adding to your page on trace parsers and thanks for the page in general. I’ve found it helpful.

    RE: github – yeah, github looks awesome. Actually it looks so nice it’s hard to believe. Looking forward to using it more. Also looks nice for sharing code in URLs and blogs

    – Kyle

  8. Jagjeet Singhh
    August 2nd, 2012 at 21:20 | #7

    Hi Kyle- Thanks for sharing, you have mentioned “How can we tell the difference between a read from the underlying storage or a read from the O/S file system cache? ”
    Does that (file system cache ) apply even when we use ASM ? Please clarify

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