November 29th, 2012
Here is a short video
D3 Show Reel from Mike Bostock on Vimeo.
Here is a longer tutorial video
Data-driven Documents from London Web Standards on Vimeo.
You can go through the actual presentation slides at http://lws.node3.org/#landing-slide
NOTE: these”slides” are active pages. You can click on the pages and interact with them.
They are in live d3. Try this page for example and click on one of the points in the graph
This page is a fun one: http://lws.node3.org/#demo-3
Drag your mouse around the page – it eventually draws a picture
Drag your mouse around the page – it eventually draws a picture
Love love love D3. Once you get the hang of it you realize the power and simplicity. Lots of folks are making libraries available to make some pretty complex things easy.
Here is a quick tutorial I did to integrate a Mike Bostock tutorial for use with Apex dynamic actions. I have a clustered node graph in the works that supplies data from Apex to my D3 graph as JSON, should wrap that post up this week but for now:
Hi David – awesome, thanks for posting the link and putting up a Oracle/D3.js example!
Mike Bostock 3 hour D3 class slides: http://bost.ocks.org/mike/d3/workshop/
D3 book pre-release chapters available: http://ofps.oreilly.com/titles/9781449339739/
pretty cool page with ember.js and d3.js http://addepar.github.com/ember-table/#