Oct 1 and 2: 100 Free copies of “Oracle Core” by Jonathan Lewis !

September 25th, 2012
First 50 attendees each day to Oaktable World will receive a copy of Jonathan Lewis’ latest book “Oracle Core: Essentials for DBAs and Developers” First on Monday Oct 1: Again on Tues Oct 2: Starting at 9am each day. Many thanks to Apress for this generous donation.


Oaktable World Oct 1-2, 2012 San Francisco, CA

September 24th, 2012
The secret conference-within-a-conference formerly known as Oracle Closed World which used to be held at the same time as Oracle Open World has outgrown its roots and is now an open conference rebranded as OakTable World. This is your exclusive invitation to mind-meld with the illustrious members of the OakTable Network while enjoying the free-flowing hospitality of the generous sponsors Miracle, Pythian, and Delphix. You don’t have to be an attendee at Oracle OracleWorld in order to attend OakTable World. You can attend one day or both days of OakTable World but you must RSVP here: Oaktable World Free? Check. Really free? Check. Free food? Check. Free beer? Check. Psychedelic T-shirts? Check. Controversial speakers? Check. Hacking sessions? Check. Live ...


Oracle “Physical I/O” ? not always physical

July 18th, 2012
A customer called and wanted to know why the development database was so much slower than production when both databases were on the same type of machine and same type of storage. To analyze the situation, the same query was run on both databases with alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 12'; and sure enough, development (SID=dev) showed average I/O almost twice as slow as production: db file sequential read db Times Waited Elapsed (ms) Avg Ela (ms) ...


NFS versus dNFS

July 16th, 2012
Finally got to take Kevin Closson's SLOB for spin. (BTW can one test dNFS with Orion at all?) Nice write up on SLOB by Yury Velikanov at Pythian: http://www.pythian.com/news/33299/my-slob-io-testing-index/ Also see Karl Arao's SLOB cheat sheet. NEW: see slob on steroids at http://www.pythian.com/news/34605/slob-on-steroids-part-1/ I ran into the same issues Pythian came up with turn off default AWR dbms_workload_repository.MODIFY_SNAPSHOT_SETTINGS(51120000, 51120000, 100, null) reduce db_cache_size (cpu_count didn't seem to work. The only way I got db_cache_size down was by allocating a lot to the shared pool) *.sga_max_size=554M *.sga_target=554M *.shared_pool_size=450M *.db_cache_size=40M *.cpu_count=1 *.large_pool_size=50M avoid db file parallel reads *._db_block_prefetch_limit=0 *._db_block_prefetch_quota=0 *._db_file_noncontig_mblock_read_count=0 The goal was to test NFS verses DNFS. I didn't expect DNFS to have much of an impact in the basic case. ...


How do people prototype their quantitiative visualizations

June 15th, 2012
Been a while since I blogged. There are a lot of things in the works but they involve a fair bit of scripting, thus I'm spending more time smoothing out the rough edges before I blog them. Projects include new 10046 parser aimed at analyizing I/O specifically IO/ZFS/NFS monitor for NFS filers running on top of ZFS TCP dump analyzer for NFS traffic speeds wrapper for fio to run a database centric set of I/O benchmarks and formate the output nicely orastat - a vmstat like tool for monitoring Oracle I/O latency and IOPs moats.sql exention to include I/O histograms. Might have to release this as ...


ASH Visualizations: R, ggplot2, Gephi, Jit, HighCharts, Excel ,SVG

January 22nd, 2012
There is more and more happening in the world of visualization and visualizing Oracle performance specifically with v$active_session_history. Of these visualizations,  the one pushing the envelope the most is Marcin Przepiorowski. Marcin is responsible for writing S-ASH , ie Simulated ASH versions 2.1,2.2 and 2.3. See http://oracleprof.blogspot.com/2011/11/new-release-of-s-ash-v23.html https://github.com/pioro/orasash Here are some examples of what I have seen happening out there in the web with these visualizations grouped by the visualization tool. Gephi The first example is using Gephi. The coolest example of Gephi I've seen is Greg Rahn's analysis of the voting for Oracle World mix sessions.  Here is Marcin's example using Gephi with ASH data: JIT ...


Buffer Busy Waits and Disk file operations I/O

January 19th, 2012
  Database is getting high waits on buffer busy waits. Here is an example period where 5 sessions are completely blocked on buffer busy waits for 4 minutes: select to_char(min(sample_time),'HH24:MI') maxst, to_char(max(sample_time),'HH24:MI') minst, count(*), session_id, ash.p1, ash.p2, ash.SQL_ID, blocking_session bsid from DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY ash where event='buffer busy waits' ...


Looking at AWR repositories for performance issues

January 17th, 2012
First look at the load on the database (see https://sites.google.com/site/oraclemonitor/dba_hist_active_sess_history https://sites.google.com/site/oraclemonitor/ ) Def v_secs=3600 -- bucket size Def v_days=1 -- total time analyze Def v_bars=5 -- size of one AAS in characters Def v_graph=80 col aveact format 999.99 col graph format a80 col fpct format 9.99 col spct format 9.99 col tpct format 9.99 col aas format 9.99 col pct1 format 999 col pct2 format 999 col first format a15 col second format a15 Def p_value=4 select to_char(start_time,'DD HH24:MI'), --samples, --total, --waits, --cpu, ...


WordPress hacked – reinstall time

January 13th, 2012
OK,  so wordpress got hacked. I've had problems with this in the past and tried tactical surgery, but this time decided to do a full re-install. My first attempt today left me with the wordpress blank screen of death, so here I'm outlining the steps I took that finally got the new version working: back up wordpress database  http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Backups#Simple_Backup # go onto hosting box and downloaded new workdpress : # there are better ways to download wordpress than zip, but this worked for me lynx -source -dump ...


Installing Oracle on RHEL

January 13th, 2012
UPDATE: thanks to Alex Gorbachev for pointing out that Oracle has a public yum for OEL which is compatible with REHEL and Oracle has Oracle certified packages: Oracle Certified packages: http://oss.oracle.com/el5/oracle-validated/ http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/servers-storage-admin/extractingfilesrpm-444871.html Public Yum: http://public-yum.oracle.com/ A small but time consuming LINUX issue: When installing on RHEL for both 10 and 11, I get errors that the following  libraries are missing The message is a little misleading as both the i386 and x86_64 versions of libaio have to be intalled libaio-0.3.106-3.2.i386 libaio-0.3.106-3.2.x86_64 libaio-devel-0.3.106-3.2.i386 libaio-devel-0.3.106-3.2.x86_64 sysstat-7.0.2-1.SEL5_2.i386 The last time I installed Oracle on LINUX was almost a year ago and it took me several hours to track this down.  Since then that test machine has been ...
